Click here for an audio recording of this talk So a few years ago, I decided to toss away any assumptions that I knew what it meant to follow Jesus. More than happy to tell you how I got there, but that’s a long story for another time…
(this was a talk I wrote and gave for women at my local church. Wherever you are, if you are feeling battered or confused by church relationships I hope you might find it helpful) Listen to the talk audio here I therefore, a prisoner …
In Nabeel Qureshi’s book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”, Nabeel records a very positive childhood. His parents created strict but loving boundaries, conservative morals and obedient behaviour were taught and expected, and he was t…
Lord your way is mercy your way is steadfast love so you treat me with compassion you treat me with patience you don’t fixate on my sins instead you remove my transgression far from your sight you whisper to me that I am love…
Thirst shows our need of waterHunger shows our need of foodPain makes us crave peace Anxiety shows we need certaintyWeariness shows our need of rest Come to me all who thirstI am the bread of lifeI have come to heal the broken-heartedI a…
Listen to an 8 minute audio version here When an older toddler is allowed to hold a new baby, you’re almost guaranteed to hear someone repeat the instruction to be gentle - "Gentle hands, gentle with his head!" Rough toddlers don’t comp…